Image of Article Payment #38 Completed

Payment #38 Completed

Published on 23-Feb-2019

Lease your waves to our node and strengthen WAVES network!

address: 3PGfXB5bEz7EkbtGMNUYop5aior5X6bUbvL alias: waveslease has just sent Payment #38, covering blocks 1398473-1408953 (61 blocks mined).

A total of 6.39102 WAVES have been distributed to lessors.

A total of 255.2 MRT have been distributed to lessors72.54MRT have been distributed to WLLT holders.

Apparently Waves team did not sent the correct amount of MRT. The missing MRT will be included in the next payment.

1220 WLLT have been distributed to lessors.

Payment #39 will be sent on 2nd March.