Image of Article Payment #73 Completed

Payment #73 Completed

Published on 26-Oct-2019

Node has just sent Payment #73, covering blocks 1756707 -> 1766955 (64 Blocks Mined).


Payment #73


Guess-the-rate Contest #5 has been won by address 3P68gCSieen8u1TaLe8oH6ZTq7LPdpSzvK4 congrats for the 117 WLT (around 30 WAVES)!

Guess-the-rate Contest #6 is running. Bet cost is 1 WLT, you can win >= 100 WLT. From this contest only 1 bet will be allowed for address. Play now at


250.000 WLT (Node own stack) will be moved to node staff wallet. They will be locked until 31st December 2019.

Payment #74 will be sent on 2nd November.