Image of Article Guess WAVES/USD Rate Dapp

Guess WAVES/USD Rate Dapp

Published on 04-Sep-2019 staff recently completed a first simple Dapp, Guess The WAVES/USD Rate. In this DAPP you need guess WAVES rate against USD at a certain future blockchain height.

You can bet by specifying in this page how much WAVES/USD rate will be on a certain blockchain height. Each bet costs 5 WLT plus 0.005 WAVES , you can bet at most on 5 rates for each address. If you confirm with WAVES KEEPER your bet will be recorded in a Smart Contract.

Betting on a rate

You will be able to bet on the rate upto 2880 blocks before the final height. For example, if the contest is to guess the WAVES/USD rate at height 1002880 you will be able to bet upto height 1000000. If another player did already bet on a certain WAVES/USD rate, you won't be able to bet on that rate.

Finding the winner

A script, when the height of end contest is reached will call a function that will query the WAVES/USD Oracle and find if is there a winner.


Each week, half of WAVES fees that are generated by the WAVES granted by waves team will be added to the DAPP Jackpot.

  • 99% of WAVES Jackpot will be sent to the winner;
  • 1% of WAVES are kept for account maintenance;
  • 85% of WLT are sent to a Burning Address and will be burned each month;
  • 5% of WLT are sent as a Revenue Sharing to deemru, the creator of PHP WavesKit;
  • 5% of WLT are sent to the WAVES/USD Oracle creator;
  • 5% of WLT are sent to the DAPP creator.

If there is no winner, the prize will be brought forward to the next contest