Payment #1 Completed
Published on 23-Feb-2018
Dividends for Payment #1 (blocks 875001-886971) has been sent. Two blocks have been found and a total of 0.03740002 WAVES and 0.25999998 MER have been distributed. You can sell your MER in the Decentralized exchange on the new app. Details about the payments can be viewed here until the payments feature is not released on website.
As expected, the difficult thing is to obtain and keep leasers because people tendency is to lease WAVES to bigger notes. Currently we are doing the following things to try getting new leasers:
- ADS on crypto related website
- ADS on Facebook
- Write articles in order to get organic results in google
In the next days we will check the results of Facebook campaigns and probably swap to GOOGLE Ads. If you have any suggestion to attract leases please propose them in telegram chat or DM Sunchaser.
#waves #lease #payment