Payment #116 Completed
Published on 22-Aug-2020
Node has just sent Payment #116 (90 Blocks Mined). We distributed to our lessors:
- 500.49 $WAVES
- 873.03 $WLT (of which 273 distributed to Club Top 100 Hodlers)
- 9959 $COF (Coffee Coin)
- 2296 $ABOT
- 167.32 $WEST
Could not burn $WLT due to an error given by In the next payment node will burn double the amount. Please see our 2020-2027 Burning Plan.
Up to now, over 1976 $WAVES (1) of node private stack have been leased back to node (dividends for this quote are sent to leasers) and 73305 $WLT have been burned.
(1) Added 116.9 WAVES wrongly sent to node.