Payment #21 Completed
Published on 20-Oct-2018
waveslease.com has just sent Payment #21 to lessors, for blocks 1214163 -> 1223942. A total of 33.32 WAVES, 443.76 MRT + extra 0 MRT to WLLT holders, and 610 WLLT has been distributed.
For a mistake, the MRT have been sent with the following distribution:
90% to lessors, 0% to WLLT token holders
instead of
70% to lessors, 20% to WLLT token holders.
This will be corrected in the next payment (#22), by distributing MRT with the following distribution:
50% to lessors, 40% to WLLT token holders.
Proof of Payments: https://wavesexplorer.com/address/3PGfXB5bEz7EkbtGMNUYop5aior5X6bUbvL.
Payment #22 will be sent on 27th October.