Payment #65 Completed
Published on 31-Aug-2019
Address: 3PGfXB5bEz7EkbtGMNUYop5aior5X6bUbvL alias: waveslease
[Reward Policy] - [Investment Report] - [Buyback Report]
Node has just sent Payment #65, covering blocks 1674766-1684993 (63 blocks mined).
Fees Distribution
- 29.00826 WAVES have been distributed
- 4295.83393 WLT have been distributed
- 1.93306 WLT have been distributed as referrer/referral bonus
A total of 21.12206 WAVES is available for weekly buyback:
- 13.36402 WAVES from MRT conversion
- 7.75805 WAVES from Fund1 revenues
A total of 12524.7392 WLT has been burnt in August. See [Buyback Report] for further details.
Payment #66 will be sent on 7th September.